Wednesday 12 November 2014

Experiments with masks and Photoshop

I used the liquify tool to exaggerate the eyes and stretch the mouth in the above pictures. I was really pleased with the effect and it made me look almost joker-like which was cool. This was actually an accident from experimentation but I liked the link to the Joker because he is always disguised by face paint or a mask, it led me to look more into superheroes and villains as a cultural reference.

The above image is the first time I'd ever extruded a photo and I thought that the effect was so strange but almost mesmerising. It almost looks like I am made out of the aerial view of skyscrapers and buildings. I think it would be really interesting to try and extrude a photo of the top of buildings, just to see how it would look.

My second attempt at extruding^

All of these photos were very experimental but the last one is probably my favourite. The filter I've put on the image makes the drawn on mask fit in a lot better because it's a lot harder to tell which parts of the photo are real and which aren't. 

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