Wednesday 19 November 2014

Aliza Razell

Aliza Razell is 19 years old and based in Massachusetts, USA. She combines self-portraits with watercolours in bright colours which often contrast with the tone of the base photo.

Referencing Greek mythology, Razell's series 'Anesidora' explores the story of Pandora's box in six images inspired by the magic of confronting and ultimately collaborating with something foreign and otherworldly. 'Anesidora' is in fact the second name given to Pandora and is inscribed against her figure at the British Museum in London.

Aliza's work:

 I love this image especially because it has so much emotion and also makes use of the colour splash technique without appearing childish. The technique of it is incredible, the way it blends with the background so well but also stands out completely contradicts each-other but the paint just looks as though it's supposed to be there.

I absolutely love Aliza's work. It;s an incredible way to combine two mediums; watercolour and photography, and also creates a beautiful image. 

My own recreation: 

I used water colours and then blew on the paint while it was still wet to create this effect. I chose the palate of greens and dark blues because I felt like it was an appropriate colour choice to go with the trees in the background.

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