Sunday 5 October 2014

A Study in Stockings

For my first photo-shoot on the topic 'disguise', I decided to use stockings as the disguising implement. We were given a prompt to take photos through materials to create a distorted view and in a way a disguise. I decided to adapt this because I wasn't sure the images produced using this method would be all that interesting. The photos I did take turned out quite interestingly and also seem really quite creepy. I put tights on my head to disguise my face and then simply angled a light and put the camera on a timer to make the photos look quite home-made and natural.
Here are all of the images taken from the photo-shoot, they vary in quality because of the inability to focus on a certain area of the face when the camera is on timer.

 In my humble opinion, I look rather similar to an octopus in this, or Davy Jones from The Pirates of The Caribbean.

As you can probably see, a lot of these photos are rather absurd and the facial expressions may even cause you to laugh a little bit, but I thought to myself while taking these, I want these photos to look extreme, not like I'm just taking some rather precarious selfies with a pair of tights on my head.
It's also quite clear that some of them are quite unusable due to the fact that the focus is on the door and not the subject, despite this I managed to find a couple that I saw some potential in and edited them to make them a little more odd and/or striking.

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